Winter Vegetable Hash

Winter Vegetable Hash recipe from The Brass Tag at Deer Valley Resort

Winter Vegetable Hash Recipe from Deer Valley Resort on Vimeo.

Equipment needed:
Sauce pans
Chef knife
Baking sheet
Fryer (for the garnish, if desired)
Serving platter
Butternut Squash Purée
10 oz. butternut squash (roughly chopped)
1 tbsp. ginger (roughly chopped)
3 oz. yellow onions (roughly chopped)
1 garlic clove (smashed)
1 tsp. mustard seeds
1 tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. turmeric
2 tsp. salt
¼ tsp. pink peppercorn
½ cup water
5 oz. clarified butter
In sauce pan, sweat onions, garlic, butternut squash, and ginger for 10 minutes on medium heat. Add mustard seeds, sugar, turmeric, salt, peppercorn, and water. Simmer for 25 minutes or until butternut squash is soft. Transfer to a blender and blend until smooth. Then, slow the blender and add clarified butter. Once butter is incorporated, the purée is done.
Snow Peas
Snow Peas- 2 oz
Salt 2 tbsp
Water- 1 qt
Blanch snow peas in boiling water with salt for 45 seconds. Remove from heat, drain and shock snow peas in an ice bath.
Roasted Potatoes
2 russet potatoes
Olive oil- 4 oz
Salt- 2 tbsp
Pepper 1/2 tbsp
Preheat oven to 325° F. Cut russet potatoes into wedges. In a bowl, mix potato wedges with olive oil, salt and pepper. Spread the coated wedges on a baking sheet and roast them in oven for 20 minutes.
Roasted Red Beets
2 large red beets
1 cup blended oil
3 cups water
¼ cup kosher salt
Preheat oven to 325° F. In sauce pan, combine beets, oil, water, and salt and cover with foil. Place sauce pan in oven and cook until beets are tender, usually one hour to one hour and 15 minutes. Cool the beets down until warm and peel them. Dice beets into medium-sized triangle shapes.
Pickled Swiss Chard Root
3 oz. diced Swiss chard root, small
1 cup white wine vinegar
½ cup water
½ cup sugar
1 tsp. mustard seed
In sauce pan, bring white wine, water, sugar, and mustard seed to a boil. Remove from heat add the Swiss chard root and cool the mixture.
Fried Shaved Carrot Garnish (optional)
1 medium carrot
Pinch of salt
Heat fryer to 325° F. Peel the carrot’s outer skin and discard. Then peel the carrot into shavings. Place carrot shavings into fryer for 20 – 25 seconds. Place carrot shavings on paper towel to cool and allow to become crispy. Season with salt as desired.

Final steps:
Once all of the components are prepared according to their individual instructions, toss them together and place on serving platter. Top with shaved carrot garnish. Enjoy!

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