Winter Break

As winter break is coming upon us the big question is, “Are you going anywhere?” I laugh and say no. This is our family’s busy time and winter break equals skiing for us. How can you leave the mountains in the winter especially when you live in a magnificent area. Maybe after the resort closes on April 10 the beach will actually come to mind.

I look forward to being on the hill next week with my kids. Although due to my schedule it only allows me two days with them. When we do go ski, I ski behind them and take in that they can ski the mountain with their eyes closed.  Well, not literally, they just know the mountain so well. They know every jump, every tree run, where the snow will be best and best of all, that mom is keeping up.

It usually helps when there is a gaggle of their friends too. This way they are not asking for lunch by 10:45, they keep their minds on skiing and trying to find the next new hot spot. I recently was skiing with a corporate group and they asked me when the last time I felt like I was a kid. I responded “everyday!” They laughed and reflected that was their goal of their trip. They wanted to be reminded that you can get caught up by being in an office everyday and need to remember to let some steam out. I asked them how it was going for them as I lead them down Hidden Treasure.

Of course, we always hit the Nastar course a few times just to make sure their engines are all working. Many people ask me if I let them win when we race against each other. I say no way they have to earn it. But by the looks of it, that may come sooner than later. (And I might be looking up to them not only in ski ability but in actual height too!)

Whether it’s skiing with my kids or just watching other kids ski I get such pleasure observing this. I believe that most people don’t realize what a true family sport /activity skiing is because so many skiers are worried about holding up the pace. Everyone has their own pace. The great thing about Deer Valley is there is always a run for most abilities from the top of the chair so that extra pressure can be eliminated. You can pick your green, blue, black groomed or ungroomed route and meet at the chair. There are so many fond memories from growing up with my siblings and skiing as a family that last a life time.

Back to skiing with the corporate group, I was telling some of the funny stories that my sister and brothers still talk about today when we ski together.  One of our favorites is “Pole gate”. I had just gotten my dad brand new poles which he was thrilled about. Unfortunately somebody else realized how nice they were too and decided they “needed” them.  My dad was beside himself. So instead of skiing with us he decided he would case out the base area for a couple days thinking he would find them or find the person. i.e. “Polegate” I know some family stories don’t come across as funny if you’re not in the moment but my point is, it still makes our family dinner discussions. I hope my kids will have all these stories and remember them. Especially after each weekend as we all get home from skiing I can hear my boys talking about how much air they (think) they got or how they almost did a 360.

As I mentioned if it’s not my kiddos it’s someone else child that brings a smile to my face. I want to mention Colby who I haven’t skied with yet but is a big fan of Deer Valley and racing! Whenever he is on the hill he always finds me and says hello. I hope that my children are as polite. Skiing brings out the best of you!

See you on the slopes

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