Take The Four-Word-Story Challenge: Summer At Deer Valley Resort

Many locals in Park City will tell you, “I came for the winters but stayed for the summers.”


There is so much to do in Park City in the summer; hiking, mountain biking, outdoor festivals, concerts, and so much more. In fact, there is almost too much to do if you live here full time.

My furniture carries a thin layer of dust, as my living room only gets a quick vacuum on the weekends. I’d much rather be out enjoying the beautiful summer days in the mountains than being indoors.


I asked a few locals to share what makes them happy in the summers at Deer Valley Resort in a “four-word-story.” This is an idea I picked up from writer, Maya Kachroo Levine, who collected stories from people of all ages on what made them really happy. Why don’t we try it here in Park City?

Here’s what we came up with:


“Spectacular, vibrant, dramatic sunsets.”  

The sky’s on fire… . . . . . #DeerValleyResort #DeerValleyMoment

A post shared by Perry Lentine (@perrylentine) on


“Starry skies and bluegrass!”


“Alone in the aspens.”


“Nature & civilization, harmoniously spectacular.”

(Notice how Kate snuck in five words using the “&” ampersand sign?)

Nancy (that’s me!):

“Classical music and mountains.”


“Deer Valley Turkey Chili.”


“Sharing a blueberry mojito.”


“Dancing with my grand-daughter.”
(Granddaughter is really one word but this story is my favorite nonetheless.)



“No bugs, humidity, or stress.”

“Bring your WOW face!”

“Hiking, relaxing, and biking.”



“Rustling of aspen leaves.”

“Startled. It’s a moose!”

“Hikes, concerts, conversation, bonding.”

“All the smiling faces.”



“Delights all five senses.”


“Leave that world behind.”


Are you ready for your challenge?

Leave a comment with your own “four-word-story.”  (If you throw in an ampersand (“&”) or connect a few extra words, we won’t care!)

If you aren’t the creative type, simply give a shout-out for your favorite story by quoting it in the comments. Then get out there and enjoy your summer.


Nancy L. Anderson, CFP is a financial planner in Park City, Utah. You can find her on Facebook, Twitter, her blog NancyLAnderson.com, and for tips on Transitioning to Retirement on Forbes.com.

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