Tag Archives: Lara Brucker

Serendipity: My 2015-16 #DeerValleyMoment

Kevin in Perseverance Bowl The best kinds of days sneak up on you, just like the best kinds of moments do. During the ski season it’s usually some unplanned, mid-week perfect snow day. And because I am a “ski bum with health insurance (read: found a fulltime, year-round job at Deer Valley)” I can answer the mountains’

#SkiTheDifference Tip Series – Week 7

Find Your Rhythm – Pole Touch It’s not uncommon for people to struggle with linking turns smoothly and efficiently, especially when things get steep or conditions become challenging. Usually this results in an interruption of movement and traversing between turns, making it even harder to begin that next turn. To avoid this you have to find your

#SkiTheDifference Tip Series – Week 4

  Skills not hills, take it slow Whether it’s your first time on skis or you’re an experienced skier, don’t rush into exceeding your skill level. There is a huge difference between “surviving” a run and “skiing” it. Don’t push yourself, or let yourself be pushed by peers, to attempt to ski something you’re not ready

#SkiTheDifference Tip Series – Week 3

  Early Season Conditions, Ski Aware Early season is typically when a resort’s snow pack is the shallowest. Conditions may differ a lot from your last day of skiing the previous season. Transitions from steep to flat and flat to steep may be more apparent than you remember on both groomed and ungroomed trails. Be