Sun! Snow! Tourists!

It’s January in Park City!

Sun! Snow! Tourists!

It’s my first year on Deer Valley Ski Patrol, and I’m here to see it all. Eight weeks ago, I resigned my full-time job as an editor with Patch Media in New Jersey, and accepted a position with patrol – a job I’ve wanted to do since my first trip to the slopes as a 6-year-old. It meant leaving family and friends more than 2,000 miles behind, and moving to a town where I didn’t know a single soul. What’s more, by pure coincidence (I think, anyway), this season has so far proven one of Utah’s driest on record, with December experiencing its lowest level of snowfall in recorded history.

This rookie season on patrol, however, could hardly be better. Heck, I’m beaming even as I write this blog post. Joining DVSP marked one of the biggest transitions of my life. But from the DVSP team, to the resort’s leadership, to the guests, these past eight weeks have proven some of the most fun and fulfilling I’ve ever experienced.

This blog will record the life of a rookie patroller with DVSP. Previously, it was penned by Matt DeWaard, a long-time patroller, former hill captain, and great photographer who left a big pair of ski boots to fill. Over the course of the next four months, I’ll bring you photos, videos, and insight into the day-to-day life of a first-year patroller. Send thoughts, questions and suggestions to You can also learn a little about my own background by visiting

Below, here are photos of patrol from early in the season. Far, far more to come soon!

2 Responses

  1. Maryann says:

    Hi. I love your story but you’re doing what I wish I’d done twenty years ago. I grew up in Stamford, Ct. Went to college in Colorado and low and behold, ended up living in MO for the next thirty years. Noone could have ever told me I’d not end up in a ski resort. Worked in Sun Valley one winter during college and loved it. Anyway, when I realized I’d be here for live – I went to our small ski resort which is like Powder Ridge in Ct – at least 40 years ago – and got certified to teach, PSIA 1. Then decided that I’d like patrol more so I’ve been on our patrol for the past five years. Finally this week it got cold. I’ve never been to your new area but will follow your blog and learn about it. Good luck being there. Hope you enjoy. I work with alot of firemen and paramedics. Seems to be the part time job for them. I’m a volunteer but have the same training as you do. We have about 100 people on our patrol. Lots of lost ski souls in Missouri. We have some level 3 PSIA instructors too. I find the hardest thing is talking on that radio we have. Hate it. But the rest is good.

  2. Matt Dewaard says:

    As all of my awesome friends and colleagues would attest, I would give my left arm to be back there on the DVSP.
    It’s a great group of people to work and live with and I miss it terribly. It truly is the best job on the planet and not too many things can compare.
    Good luck to you Alan. Enjoy it to the max and take everything you can from the experience. Hopefully I’ll get to ski a few laps with you later this season if I ever make it back over there.

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