Katie learns just how much fun spring skiing can be on Day #3

So truth be told, I love to complain. If it were a sport in the Olympics, I would hands down take the gold, silver and bronze. So although I’ve said that I hated skiing before and I’m starting to like it now, doesn’t mean that I didn’t have my fair share of complaints during this whole experience. I won’t lie and say it wasn’t cold, and that falling didn’t hurt, or even that it was an easy experience that I fell in love with instantly. But I will tell you that it was something that I have zero regrets doing and that I may not be a diehard skier now, but through this experience I have grown to be more patient, more confident, and willing to put effort into it even though I’m not that great. It’s easy to love something that you are good at, but much more difficult to find fun in something that you’ve sworn to loathe.

After my first and second lesson, I was pleased with my progress and thankful for the chance to learn a new skill, but I really had zero intentions of ever going again (this is where my excellent complaining skills came into play). And then I was informed that I got one more lesson! I was excited, but also really nervous because I was probably going to have to really ski, like actual runs, with actual potential to eat it hard core. So while heading up the canyon I told myself that it was fun and I loved it and I would live. Cue complaining, again.

And then I got my stuff and we were off, just to the beginners slope at first but Eddy assured me that we would hit the actual slopes today in his perky-I-love-skiing-more-then-life- sort of way that he does best. The first run down I was shaking and not loving it, and then all of the sudden it hit. I felt that I was OK and that I could survive the full lesson and then real skiing began.
We went to some of the runs where it was super sunny, and created a whole new type of snow that I was not used to. Snow that’s a little slushy is clearly my kind of snow. It makes turning a bit more difficult but helps keep your speed in check, no complaint with that. Not to mention the sun! It was so beautiful and made the resort look so much different in such a breathtaking way. We made it over to Deer Crest and Eddy could easily sense my change of mood and knew that this sort of skiing was Katie Fredrickson sort of skiing. We went down our first run which was an easy blue, and I felt good about it. Then we did the same run again, and again, and again. It got to the point where I could relax and enjoy the run, instead of focusing on what my feet were doing.

Then Eddy told me that I was ready for a harder run and that it was not much different at all. Looking at this run was very frightening. I looked at Eddy and said, “Alright crazy, what run are we really going to do?” After about five minutes of me standing there and Eddy reassuring me about a million times that I was more than capable to handle this run, we set off. Turns out, I could handle that run, and had fun all the way to the bottom. When we reached the bottom Eddy started laughing and I asked him what was so funny, assuming I looked like a spazz. His reply was, “Look at you, actually skiing and you are smiling. First time I’ve ever seen that smile!” No joke this was when I knew that I would come back and ski on my own sometime.

Eventually we met up with Deer Valley blogger JF Lanvers and he asked me how I was doing. My answer was, “fantastic, we are skiing and looking legit!” And his response is probably the greatest thing that I have ever heard. Imagine his French accent and his smiley face saying, “Well why else would we ski but to look cool?” LOVE IT! We got some good runs in, I did fall (which was so kindly edited out of JF’s video), but if you don’t fall, you’re not trying.

This experience was the only thing that would ever have made me enjoy skiing. I’ve even have plans to go within the next week. I never thought I would actually have plans to go skiing. Thanks to everyone at Deer Valley, especially Eddy, you all made me like skiing and build the skills so that I can learn to love it.

2 Responses

  1. Leanne Hillier says:

    As a former DV instructor I can tell you that what i loved most about my job was having the opportunity to meet guests just like you! 

    To be presented with challenge of overcoming resistance and reluctance and to go on that journey of discovery with them.

    To have the ability to impart new skills; to work together to develop a trusting relationship. 

    Deer Valley provides the forum for enabling guests to branch out into that new space; to open the doorway to a new world of adventure.

    As an instructor, you have a unique opportunity to partake in their exploration of a new skill; to witness them putting into practice everything that you’ve shared with them; experiencing that transition with them; seeing ‘the light come on’ in their eyes, the smile emerging on their face as they begin to “feel” it happening… That is the sheer joy of teaching. Especially at Deer Valley, a magical world of opportunity!

    Providing new skills, sharing your passion and opening the doorway to a new world of adventure for your guest; igniting their passion and providing them with a new opportunity for personal growth and mastery. 

    As an instructor the best thing, at Deer Valley especially, is that each and every day you are presented with a new canvas! A new person to teach, a new lesson to present and in many cases the opportunity to begin an ongoing relationship that may continue and develop over many years.

    I commend you on ‘sticking with it’ and congratulate your instructor for helping you to experience the joy of mastering a new skill and hopefully igniting within you the passion for skiing. 

    May you return to DV, not only this week, but next week, next month and next season!

  2. Bones says:

    It would be great to hear a list of runs that Katie and Eddy went on. Katie mentioned Silver Hill on the video. Did they try Jordanelle after that? It was wonderful to see the relaxation and smoothness that Katie approached her turns.

    Katie, there are very few times that most of us learn a completely new way to move as adults. We have all sorts of expectations and fears, but the only way to learn it is just to do it. I can tell you: viewers of your videos are completely amazed at the progress you made in such a short amount of time. Falling is not a problem; it’s the fear of falling that winds up being a problem! Also, you could have freaked out with the different conditions you encountered this time around. Instead, you took it as an opportunity and rocked it. Thanks for your willingness to share your learning experience with the world.

    Keep learning and keep having fun. Check out the long-track speedskating at the wonderful facility in Sandy — especially when US team is there training. Eddy already gave you the bad news: he thinks you’re a skier that’s going to be addicted for life.

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