Mountain Bike Tip – Raise and Lower Your Saddle

Raise and Lower Your Saddle

Just like your body, your saddle should not remain static throughout your ride. To get the most out of your bike you’ll want to lower your seat during your descents. This will allow for all of the bike movement to happen that we’ve been talking about throughout these posts. If your seat is too high during a descent, you’re blocked from being active, from being low, from moving the bike laterally and from being loose. When climbing your seat should be high enough for an efficient pedal stroke. This also protects your knees, knee pain can result from climbing with too low of a saddle.
LB2015.09.15.seatlowcroppedLB2015.09.15.seathighcroppedSee all of the play in height you have to work with? Don’t forget that your entire bike is meant to be dynamic.

Constantly changing your seat height may not seem ideal. However, with new dropper post technology, adjusting seat height is as easy as pushing a button. Curious about how this might change your ride? Come try the SCOTT Genius LT at one of our rental shops.

LB2015.09.15.seatlowridercroppedDoug demonstrates the concept of having room for your saddle to move under you. His seat is not interfering with where his bike needs to go.

Even this new-to-mountain-biking-biker knows it’s the most fun you’ll have all summer. Share your post-ride joy in the comments below or with #DeerValleyMoment on Facebook and Instagram.


We hope you’ve enjoyed this weekly summer series. Sadly this is the last one.

We hope you enjoy our weekly mountain bike tips. Please remember that they can help but will not eliminate risks, as mountain biking is a dynamic sport. These tips are meant to help you build skills and progress for a more enjoyable mountain biking experience.

One Response

  1. Johnny White says:

    Definitely agree that the saddle height plays an important role. Aside from helping you maneuver the bike more freely, it can also help in avoiding injuries.

    Good job on the MTB tips!

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