Nancy Anderson

Even though Nancy Anderson lived most of her life about an hour’s drive from Lake Tahoe in Northern California, she never learned to ski. After turning 50, Nancy decided it was now or never. She and her husband up and moved to Park City.

They had ulterior motives - Park City, Utah is a draw for their adult children and grandkids to visit. The strategy worked and their spare room is booked months ahead by family and friends.

Besides working as a financial planner in a wealth management firm in downtown Salt Lake City, Nancy pens a popular personal finance blog on Her work has been syndicated on Yahoo! Finance, The Wall Street Journal Blog, MSN Money, and the CNBC.

Nancy is excited about learning to ski and eventually skiing the whole mountain. Is there powder in her future? She hopes so. She and her husband love exploring Park City and activities such as concert going, hiking, and throwing the ball (over and over again) to Ginger, their yellow Lab.