A Dirty Little Secret

I recently came across a pamphlet titled “Do you have a gambling problem?” Certainly not I thought. However, a closer inspection of the symptoms made me realize I was not being very honest with myself. I don’t mind some low stakes poker and betting on who catches the first trout, or what year Picabo Street won Olympic Silver in the Downhill, but I will never take out a second mortgage to cover a loss.

So what’s my problem? Check out my symptoms and you tell me.

* Being preoccupied with skiing
* Increasing your skiing risks
* Trying to cut back on skiing without success
* Reducing the time you spend at work/with family because of skiing
* Reviewing past skiing experiences in your mind
* Constant daydreaming of that one big score

Based on the fact that my mother still waits for first chair by skating back and forth to warm her legs up, I would say that my problem is genetic so there may be no help for me.

Of course the Deer Valley Blog may not be the best place to get help. I doubt anyone reading this could find one thing wrong with that list. 11 days 12 hours 8 minutes and 50 seconds until we ski folks! I can’t wait to see you out there, and by the way – do you know what year the aforementioned silver medal was won? No cheating, Google to find out or guess in the comment section.

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